After the last year tragic storm, Ondoy, that hit the Philippines on 26SEP09 I always had the feeling that this year a storm will make the same tragedy to us. Specially these days, that a heavy rain suddenly pours. Maybe because of my own experience that I haven't been able to go home and been stranded somewhere in Manila but fortunate enough to stay at a friend's house.
These photos were taken while we are walking over the Marikina Bridge the morning after the extreme flood made by Ondoy. All places were full of mud and people were cleaning their houses and removing the brownish thing on their properties. I've walked about 5km just to reach our house because there were no jeeps around by that time.

Here are views of the river before and after the storm. And it is clearly seen the difference made after the tragedy. Photo of Marikina River on a normal day (Top), and a photo of Marikina River after the storm Ondoy (Bottom).
I wish it won't happen again.
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