Monday, August 2, 2010

At Last, a JanSport Bag!

 At last, I got a JanSport bag. I got it last Saturday when we attended the celebration of my grandmother's birthday and my uncle's 3rd business anniversary. He is selling supplements for those who workout on gyms through online marketing. By the way, if you are interested or taking in muscle juice, whey protein, for example, feel free to visit his site, Body Blast. Before we, with my mom and sister, went to Gerry's Grill, we entered Bratpack and in no time I'm already decided to buy a bag. 

Photos after the cut.

Front View

Oblique View

And here it is, my new JanSport bag. I have a big backpack bag now. Congratulate me. Haha.

If you want to see more of their designs and styles, follow this link to their main site, JanSport.

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